
Anniversary Part Deux

In continuing with Part I of our Anniversary ...

We were happily surprised (or I might've been more than Adam, even) by the addition of Roosters and Chickens ... who were as curious about us as we were of them.

And right next to them in a pin, was a very pregnant female .. who looked ready to pop any day, and she would NOT move... and her friend....

It made me miss my goats we had in my teenage years very much. They were a handful sometimes but they were great. It also made me want chickens .... maybe someday.

This really was such a neat place.. I'll be going back soon. I found a lavender plant I have been wanting and Adam got it for me...

I'm looking forward to making that plant into something I can sell... I have many ideas --- as usual.

We finally made our way home to a nice dinner by the oil lamp light... Say hello, sweetness... Yes, that's Adam... I made him ravioli... He got me some sushi ....

Afterwards, we started working on a puzzle... which was actually too easy. We realized we really enjoyed working on a puzzle together and today (12th) went and bought a 1000 piece puzzle! There's something kind of nice and comforting about doing this together. We both work yet again in harmony trying to put something as silly as a puzzle together... but it is better than getting stuck watching TV or something else...

Well, I hope you enjoyed this little look into one of our days...

See more photos of our day on the Honey Brooke Farm Facebook Page!

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